Is the US to blame with today’s mess in Iraq?

For those of us in the West the answer is pretty simple: “Let’s just stay out and let them handle themselves while we take care of our daily routine” . It is a fact that many today, far too quickly, just dismiss the situation as Bush’s Folly, though few put any real thought into understanding…

Getting What You Want Out Of Life

Most people go through life not knowing what they want and then they wonder why they are not getting to reach their desired goals. Well as a starter, you’ve got to realize that if you really want to do something and you know what it is, you’ll always find a way. If you don’t, you’ll…

Doing Business in Russia

With Russia’s increasingly important role today on both the global political and business fronts – especially when it comes to oil trading – , ignoring Russia is clearly no more of an option. The key though is truly understanding Russia and the Russians if you want to be truly effective in there. So what does…

How do you gain attention for your Non-Profit?

This is clearly a question every non-profit Executive Director thinks about every day as funds for non-profits have been steadily declining for the last 2 years given the harsh economic realities we’re all still going through. So these are a few tips I thought I would share with you all. Whether you are an NPO…

How much wealth destruction are we willing to put up with?

An issue that clearly has been on the table starting with the Obama Administration back in 2009 and with NYC Mayor de Blasio as recently as early this year. Would we allow major social and political institutions to collapse or be severely harmed due to the economic cycle needing “creative destruction” to reach maximized efficiency?…